Barbecue That Turkey | Ham & Yam It Up!
0 comment Thursday, May 15, 2014 |

Since yesterday was Thanksgiving in the U.S., it was the time to put the turkey on the Traeger Barbecue Grill. Ahh, but with a twist, I put something else on the grill along side it.
One of the folks that we invited to our family Thanksgiving dinner had eaten turkey a day early. As an alternative we decided to do a ham on the BBQ also. Both turned out real, real good. But, isn't that the whole idea?
Among many dishes, my wife fixed a yam dish recipe that was over-the-top which included candied pecans, brown sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, milk, butter. Starting to get real good now!
She baked four hughmonguos yams in the oven (no room on the Traeger BBQ) at 350 degrees for about an hour. She cored them and mashed them up just like you would regular mashed potatoes with milk and butter, but then adding the brown sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg to taste.
The clincher though, was the candied pecans. She mixed them up whole into the yams.
Of course, I'm partial but I thought they were simply outstanding. And, hey why wait for Thanksgiving to have them again.
Anyway, I hope you and your family had a super Thanksgiving. We all can find something in our lives to be thankful for.

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